AFA 33rd Annual Meeting
David Trumbull addresses the attendees at AFA 33rd Annual Meeting
The American Flock Association 33rd annual meeting focused heavily on issues impacting object flockers for the automotive industry as well as roll goods. The meeting, held in Novi, Michigan on October 22nd, just before the Automotive Interiors Expo, had two presentations bringing attendees up to date on tariff issues and specifically how they impact the flocking industry. Currently the 25% additional tariff on tow of polyester and of polypropylene from the proposed Section 301 action still appears to be holding for a January 1st start date. David Trumbull, AFA and Todd Ethington, NCTO will continue to monitor the situation and keep the membership informed.
Andy Honkamp of Cellusuede gave a very thorough introduction to the production of flock fibers. His presentation represented the type of high quality and informative information that will be available at Flock School this summer (Jul31 - August 2) at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth campus.
Andreas Frohler of the Flock Association of Europe brought everyone up up to date on European flock activity.
Executive Committee elections were held during the afternoon business meeting. Raj Shah was reelected for a one year term as Chairman. Elected for three year terms as members of the Executive Committee were Gary Abramek, Mathias Reichenbacher, and Steven Rosenthal. Megan Liebner was elected for a one year term on the executive committee to fill in for the vacancy created when Rick Horrigan left the industry.
Although plans for next year's meeting have not been solidified there is talk that it may be in Orlando before the IFAI show in October.